And, me and wilber are happily together, though we always scold each other, but i think its Fun. HAHA
Okayy~ i am kind of happy. HAHA i dont know why.. LOL, maybe cause im mad!
I don't know why, i suddenly look at my blog and decided to blog after a few years..
To those that wonder how am I, I am fine. :) Thank You
I am happier than what i used to be :)
I have been thinking of many things which i don't understand why and can never figure it out...
Lots of why like this.. why like that.. i dont want.. i dont understand why.. sigh sigh sighh~
Another thing that has been in my mind...
It has been more than a year since i left, have been missing a lot of things that i have been through since i was 5 - 6 years old till i was 17..
I am sure that many of them thought i left because of THAT particular reason which i am quite sure 99% of them did. However, it is not up to you to judge or say anything. I thought that all of you have been learning not to judge?
And anyway, i can assure you that i left not because of him or work.
I know you will think: "you sure annot"..
Yes, i sure.
Life seems to be better than the 1 - 1.5 years i have been through will all the 'forcing of myself to go'.. I still believe in God and I believe that he is all around. So, I left doesn't mean i dont believe.
I myself can see the change in myself and i really hope that i didn't..
After 1-1.5 years of being with people i am not comfortable with and not talking, it seems like it have become a habit for me not to talk to people.. My mouth can't seem to open and Now, i can only talk to Wilber and Vivian. Maybe Jian Quan if he is free to go out with us and also some people in my workplace.
I love my workplace because i find the joy of being here rather than there. It is not because of money that i left. But, it is more of the joy of being in my workplace.
I know that many of you would not understand it because you have never been though it. So, please stop commenting and talking about me or him or her or them or us.
I hope i will not always be reminded of them because whenever i think of it, i feel really sad. And when im sad, HAHA, i will SMS vivian and she becomes sad too =.= im so bad, but....
Seriously, i have been sharing with my barbie vivian many things and happen to see that we both are going thru the same things, maybe thats why we can talk alot of crap. I believe that 1-2 best friend that understand you, know and agree what you are thinking is better than 1000 'TRUE' FRIENDS who will just disappear when you need them.
At least, i am happier of being who i am now and at least happier than what i used to feel in that 1-1.5 years. It sucks to feel being at somewhere where you feel that you don't belong there.
Okay~ i have time to write all this nonsense is because my eating-friend didn't come today. So im just eating pocky for lunch..
Jiayou people, do the things you like to do and feel happy about it.
You have only 1 life to live, you will never know when you are going to leave this place, make sure you cherish and love everyone around you and the things you do. At least you won't die with regrets. Life is short, don't do things that you know you have no joy in doing.
Going for my internship soon, my first choice was citibank, 2nd choice was charles and keith..
If i can't get into this two, that means God has other plans for me bah.
Wish all of you people happy :)
♥Eileen♥ :)
I am super sleepyyY~ i wanna sleep ):
I am too hardowrking! Working on weekends, study on weekday..
I dont even have a rest day. HAHA,
I seriously very tired.. im falling asleep!
& I realise i like work more than class now.. omgggg..
Later going out celebrate ppl birthday, and tml is test!! Where got time studyy~~ BOOOS!!!
Hohohoo, show you some cute pictures of Tricia & Alicia.
THE MOST 'OMG" cake i think she have ever received
Dont look at me like im mad can?